Print Media Content

Kleine Zeitung - Travel Report Portoroz

A trip to Portoroz in winter

Steiermark Magazin - Report on Philipp Pögl, Hotel Adlon

Philipp Pögl, F&B Manager of renowned Hotel Adlon in Berlin (3 pages)

Pegasus - Portrait Christoph Pachler

Executive Vice President and CFO Playboy Enterprises (at that time) (2 pages)

Pegasus - Portrait Thomas Tippl (1)

CFO Activision Blizzard

Pegasus - Portrait Thomas Tippl (2)

CFO Activision Blizzard

OÖ Nachrichten - Report on Bernhard Mairinger

Hollywood Chef

OÖ Nachrichten - Report on Katja Eiblmayr

OÖ Nachrichten - Portrait Thomas Kattnigg

OÖ Nachrichten - Interview Wolfgang Puck

Kleine Zeitung Oscar Viewing Party

OÖ Nachrichten - Report on Narcissism

(2 pages)

OÖ Nachrichten - Report on Narcissism (2)

Interview Sam Vaknin

OÖ Nachrichten - Travel Report Los Angeles

(2 pages)

OÖ Nachrichten - Portrait Filmmaker Edward Oleschak

(2 pages)

OÖ Nachrichten - Interview Romina Power

OÖ Nachrichten - Travel Report Hotel Adlon

(3 pages)