
Portrait: Pia Niederwimmer Raunjak

VERY GOOD FOR HOLLYWOOD – Österreicher:innen in L.A. 
Season 2
Prime Time Show, 6 x 50 minutes
Broadcast Date: March 18th, 2024
Network: Puls 4 & Joyn
Author, Casting, Production Manager (together with Elisabetha Pejcinoska)
Executive Producer: MARKAND Media

The Miracle
Audio Drama with Songs, 120 minutes
Based on the real life story and script of Auschwitz survivor Lucy Deutsch
Available on Audible
Executive Producer (piamedia)

Director: Elisabetha Pejcinoska
Script Adaptation and Co-Director: Franz Berner
Musical Director: Christoph Stock

VERY GOOD FOR HOLLYWOOD – Österreicher:innen in L.A.
Prime Time Show, 6 x 50 minutes
Broadcast Date: January 3rd, 2023
Network: Puls 4 & Joyn
Author, Casting, Production Manager
Executive Producer: MARKAND Media

TCM Tool Talk – RO-RA Aviation Systems
Web Videos
Published: September 2022
Client: TCM International
Writer/ Director: Pia Raunjak
Production: HENX Filmproduction
Concept: Studio Creativ Advertising Agency

Claus Muhr, Anita Moser, Joe Landl, Pia Raunjak

Spargeleis und Lammcurry – Exotisches und Heimisches ganz regional
TV Dcoumentary, 25 minutes
Broadcast Date/First Run: September 10, 2022
Network: ORF2
Executive Producer/ Writer: Pia Raunjak, piamedia
Directors: Pia Raunjak, Claus Muhr
Sound/ Editing: Andreas Teufelauer

Unser Wunder: Kind
Documentary Film with Fictional Film Sequences, TV, 52 minutes (2022)
Producers: Posch TV/ Ursula Merzeder and piamedia
Coproduction and first run: ORF III

Producer ORF III: Manuela Strihavka

Director: Markus Mörth
Production Manager: Anita Pfeffinger
DoP: Astrid Heubrandtner, Ursula Merzeder
Post Production: Ahmed Lanner-Abdalla, Raimund Sivetz, Peter Utvary
Composer: Hannes Gill
Medical Advisor: Thomas Wegscheider, MedUNI Graz
Main Cast: Julia Jelinek, Matthias Ohner

International Title German: Jeder Tag zählt
International Title English: Every Day Counts
International Distribution: ORF Enterprise

Client: StudioCreativ Agency
Author, Director, Production Manager (piamedia)

currently in production

Thriller Series, 8 x 50 minutes
together with Co-Authors Enrico Jakob and Isabella Siller

Huf & Herz
TV Show, 8 x 45 minutes

Documentary Film, TV, 30/ 45 minutes

Drinnen & Draußen,
TV Show, Entertainment, 25/ 50 minutes

Untitled Show (Germany)
Factual Entertainment, 1 x 90 + 6 x 48 minutes